QAA Membership Podcast

Awarding gaps

May 07, 2024 QAA Membership Season 2 Episode 5

In this episode, our regular host Dr Kerr Castle introduces a discussion of awarding gaps and what we can do to close them.

Kerr is joined by Kevin Brazant, Progression & Attainment Project Manager at the University of the Arts London, Dr Sally Andrews, Pedagogic Projects Development Manager at Staffordshire University, Professor Nicky King, Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor at the University of Exeter, and Professor Gabriella Cagliesi from the University of Sussex.

Through the course of the conversation, they chat about approaches to addressing awarding gaps in different providers, support for staff and students (and whether we are doing enough to raise the profile of challenges around awarding gaps), and next steps for the sector.

The release of this podcast coincides with the publication of the Awarding Map – a brand new resource from QAA that captures practical tools, insights and approaches that can support you to address awarding gaps across different levels within your provider. The Awarding Map is available now from the QAA website.

Find out more about Gabriella's QAA-funded Collaborative Enhancement Project, which is exploring the use of institutional data to address the causes of awarding gaps.

You might also like to explore Kevin's 'Disrupt the discourse' digital toolkit and e-learning course builder, designed to aid the development of an anti-racist pedagogy.