QAA Membership Podcast

Enterprise and embedded employability in higher education

February 02, 2023 QAA Membership Season 1 Episode 3

In this episode, we consider the student experience of enterprise and embedded employability in higher education with Helen Hughes from University of Leeds, Edward Pollock from Robert Gordon University, and Iwan Williams from University of Liverpool.

We start by discussing the student experience of enterprise and entrepreneurship education in teaching and learning, and how to embed employability and enterprise education principles in the curriculum.

Then we take a look at supporting entrepreneurial mindset and skills development for all students, reflecting on benchmarking and tracking students’ progress, and “enterprise in disguise”.

Finally, we consider the impact of the pandemic, creating new training needs 
and influencing pathways to employment.

We hope that you enjoy this podcast and if you’d like to learn more about our work around enterprise and entrepreneurship education, visit

This episode was first published on 12 July 2022.